Retrieve a Payments collection
Return a list of Payments, eventually filtered by criteria.
Your api key. To create a key, please get into our dashboard. If you don't have access to it, please reach the Support team.
Your merchant ID. This information is available in our dashboard. If you don't have access to it, please reach the Support team.
Allow you to choose between the sandbox mode to perform some tests or the live mode for real world transactions.
, sandbox
Query Parameters
A date in UTC timezone to filters data to, inclusively. Follows the Datetime ISO. The default value is now().
A date in UTC timezone to filters data from, inclusively. Follows the Datetime ISO. The default value is the first day of this month.
The page number in the returned data. The default value is 1. Do use with 'perPage' query parameter to paginate properly.
The maximum number of results that will be return. The default value is 10. Do use with 'page' query parameter to paginate properly.
Unique identifier for the Payment
Unique identifier for the PaymentIntent owning this Payment
Datetime in UTC timezone at which this object was created. Follows the Datetime ISO.
Datetime in UTC timezone at which this object was updated for the last time . Follows the Datetime ISO.
Current status of this Payment
, failed
, pending
, successful
Amount intended to be collected by this payment. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge €1.00 or 100 to charge FCFA100, a zero-decimal currency).
Three-letter ISO currency code.
The method selected by the customer to make this Payment
, credit_card
Two-letter ISO country code. Represents the country where the provider selected by the customer is localized.
Some fees may be applied on a Payment. This array provides information of the fees that could have been applied on this Payment.
provider reference that identify this payment
gatewayId used for this payment (Mobile Money Only)
In case of a Payment attempt failure, this object will describe the reason of the failure
Action required to execute to continue the processing of this Payment. The action allows the customer to validate the Payment. - A redirection action provides all the information to redirect the customer to an external page, - A ussd action provides a message to display to the user for the validation of the Payment. He will receive a USSD message on his phone describing how to make the validation, - A otp action requires that you display an input to the customer to collect an OTP. A message is provided to explains to the user how to get this OTP. Then, the client will have to send the authentication request.