Create Transfer
This endpoint allows you to make a transfer (PAY-OUT)
Your api key. To create a key, please get into our dashboard. If you don't have access to it, please reach the Support team.
Your merchant ID. This information is available in our dashboard. If you don't have access to it, please reach the Support team.
Allow you to choose between the sandbox mode to perform some tests or the live mode for real world transactions.
, sandbox
A reference provided by the client during the creation of this Transfer
Amount intended to be sent to the recipient. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge €1.00 or 100 to charge FCFA100, a zero-decimal currency).
Three-letter ISO currency code.
An arbitrary string attached to the Transfer. Mostly useful for displaying to user.
Information about the recipient of this Transfer
Information about the sender
This field is mandatory for aggregators and allows you to override the business name displayed to the end users. This is useful if you don't want your clients to see "Hub2" as the target of their payment but your company name instead.
This field is mandatory for merchants that have the corresponding setting enabled, It allows to send a custom name
Unique identifier for the Transfer
Identifier of the merchant owning this Transfer
Datetime in UTC timezone at which this object was created. Follows the Datetime ISO.
Datetime in UTC timezone at which this object was updated for the last time . Follows the Datetime ISO.
A reference provided by the client during the creation of this Transfer
An arbitrary string attached to the Transfer. Mostly useful for displaying to user.
The current status of this Transfer
, successful
, pending
, failed
Amount intended to be sent to the recipient. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge €1.00 or 100 to charge FCFA100, a zero-decimal currency).
Three-letter ISO currency code.
Mode in which this transfer exists. The sandbox mode can be used during the integration phase and is available as soon as the merchant account is created. No real transactions are made in this mode. The live mode has to be used to make real transactions.
, sandbox
Information about the recipient of this Transfer
Fees applied to merchant's transfer-account uppon success
indicate if the transfer was international
provider reference that identify this transfer
In case of failure, this object will describe the reason of the failure
Information about the origin of this transfer
override business name for aggregator
override business id for merchant
Computed balance before the transfer is executed.
Real available balance right after the transfer is executed.
Provider informations