Whenever a transfer fails internally, the failure cause is added to the transfer object returned in the HTTP response.


These are “application errors” and not related to the HTTP protocol.

The HTTP status codes returned by each HUB2 API endpoint are given in the HUB2 API reference documentation.

The failure causes shown on this page only concern errors encountered during the processing of a transaction.

List of different failure causes with their associated codes and descriptions :

internal_errorTransfer failed. Internal error. Our technical team has been notified.
invalid_amountTransfer failed. The amount is invalid. Please refer to the amount policies documentation.
service_unavailableTransfer failed. Provider is currently unavailable.
too_many_requestTransfer failed. Provider is overloaded. Please try again later.
unknown_reasonTransfer failed. No reason was provided by the provider.
fraud_suspicionTransfer failed. Fraud suspicion detected by the provider.
invalid_destinationTransfer failed. Destination is not valid.
forbidden_by_providerTransfer failed. Refused by provider.
timeoutTransfer failed. The waiting time with provider is exceeded.
insufficient_fundsTransfer failed. Merchant doesn’t have enough funds.
unsupported_currencyTransfer failed. This currency is not supported.
canceledTransfer failed. Canceled by provider.
destination_not_allowedTransfer failed. Transfer to this recipient is forbidden by the provider.
blacklisted_msisdnThe MSISDN is temporarily banned.
invalid_payment_processorTransfer failed. The selected provider does not support this operation.
duplicate_requestTransfer failed. A similar operation has just been recorded. Please try again later.
bad_requestTransfer failed. The received request contains errors or is incorrectly formatted.