This documentation was last updated on 07/11/23.


Account provisioning is a type of transaction that allows funds to be transferred from the collection account (PAY-IN account) to the transfer account (PAY-OUT account) of the same merchant.

This action is subject to validation and approval by the platform administrators. However, for amounts under a threshold, the platform may decide to automatically approve it. Please contact the support team for more information on the provisioning conditions.

Create a Provisioning

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'ApiKey: [REDACTED]' \
--header 'MerchantId: [REDACTED]' \
--header 'Environment: sandbox' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "amount": 200,
    "currency": "XOF",
    "description": "TEST APPRO",

The response to this command is an action that has been created and is awaiting approval.

    "id": 32,
    "action": "provisioning",
    "status": "created",
    "authorId": "apiKey",
    "merchantId": "[REDACTED]",
    "params": {
        "amount": 200,
        "currency": "XOF",
        "description": "TEST APPRO",
        "mode": "sandbox"
    "createdAt": "2023-11-07T11:21:19.561Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-11-07T11:21:19.561Z"

Once the action is approved, the corresponding transaction can be viewed from the route that provides the list of provisionings or from the dashboard.

Retrieve Provisionings

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'ApiKey: [REDACTED]' \
--header 'MerchantId: [REDACTED]' \
--header 'Environment: sandbox' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    "data": [
            "id": "prov_wz17MSJ2vRZcefkAdSehs",
            "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:27.793Z",
            "withdrawal": {
                "id": "wtd_9meMoAxGjGaqfamCb_cEU",
                "type": "withdrawal",
                "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:27.959Z",
                "amount": "100",
                "currency": "XOF"
            "deposit": {
                "id": "dep_zLHUdczCwG52EGAWvldFf",
                "type": "deposit",
                "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:27.959Z",
                "amount": "100",
                "currency": "XOF"
            "description": "TEST OL PREPROD",
            "status": "successful"
            "id": "prov_Mkw33s1i-DIacr6J4CN0C",
            "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:27.749Z",
            "withdrawal": {
                "id": "wtd_OqpCQzO0q84e508CbL0WU",
                "type": "withdrawal",
                "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:27.831Z",
                "amount": "100",
                "currency": "XOF"
            "deposit": {
                "id": "dep_KLuaXcEGeor-qC9vvolC2",
                "type": "deposit",
                "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:27.831Z",
                "amount": "100",
                "currency": "XOF"
            "description": "TEST OL PREPROD",
            "status": "successful"
            "id": "prov_N1xMSdSAFexce4DbPnNDu",
            "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:04.405Z",
            "withdrawal": {
                "id": "wtd__DjJfMdNgk7XAAkWVtpNW",
                "type": "withdrawal",
                "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:04.473Z",
                "amount": "100",
                "currency": "XOF"
            "deposit": {
                "id": "dep_jkUWqh-kMxhkJyvunk9ub",
                "type": "deposit",
                "date": "2023-10-17T12:31:04.473Z",
                "amount": "100",
                "currency": "XOF"
            "description": "TEST OL PREPROD",
            "status": "successful"
    "totalItems": 13,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "countPerPage": 10