Transfers (Pay-Outs)

The Transfer API (Pay-Out API) is quite simple to implement, as there is no interaction with end customers.

Making a transfer

HUB2 API reference - Create a transfer

Performing a transfer only requires one call to the dedicated endpoint.

Sample request :

This request will return with a transfer ID, which is the unique identifier of the transfer. An unique ID is created on the HUB2 platform for each transfer request.

Transfer ID must be saved in the merchant’s database for the next steps.

For any ticket to HUB2 support team concerning a transfer, the transfer ID will be asked, not the merchant’s reference.

Retrieving transfer details

HUB2 API reference - Get transfer details

To retrieve a transfer, perform a call to the dedicated endpoint. Note : This endpoint requires a transfer ID, obtained when making a transfer (see previous step).

This endpoint was designed more to get the full details of a transfer, rather than to be only used to check for transfer status changes. This endpoint, like every endpoint on HUB2 API, is rate limited. That means that if this endpoint is called too many times by a merchant ID, the HUB2 API will respond with HTTP 429 Too Many Requests to that merchant ID.

Documentation about rate limits can be found here.

Sample request :

Once a Transfer has been created and webhooks have been configured to receive notifications about the Transfer’s lifecycle, HUB2 will send webhooks for each event associated with configured webhooks.

This is the recommended method for taking into account changes in the status of a Transfer. Some Transfers are processed quickly, while others less so, for a variety of unforeseeable reasons. There is no point in retrieving the details of a Transfer to retrieve the status of a Transfer if no change has taken place. This is why setting up webhooks is recommended.

Documentation about webhooks can be found here.

List transfers

HUB2 API reference - List transfers

To fetch a list of transfers, use the dedicated endpoint. Several query parameters (see below) can be applied to filter our results.

Sample request :

Please note the following parameters:

  • Parameter from : identifies the starting date of the transfers retrieval range, the value here is 2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • Parameter to : identifies the ending date of the transfers retrieval range, the value here is 2023-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
  • Parameters page and perPage : To control navigation through the result pages.

By default, when no filter is defined, the 100 last transfers are returned by this endpoint, ordered by created_at, descending.

For a big number of transfers, paginated requests will be mandatory to retrieve all transactions from the HUB2 API.


Pagination is available on that endpoint.

The response headers provide the Content-Range header to inform of the total number of results, and the header value is in the format 0-99/2453.

In this particular case, this header indicates that the API returned the first 100 results out of a total of 2453 - so there are 25 pages of 100 results to fetch to retrieve all transfers corresponding to the initial filter.

A good advice is to set date filters in the initial request, so the number of results remains the same while pagination is running (except when to is set to a date in the future).